Anyone who tells you that they wake up each and every day super excited and highly motivated to go run is most probably lying to you.
The reality is that motivation comes and goes and can be a little bit like the weather. The sun can shine bright for a few days and then it can be overcast, or it could be thunderclouds and rain. You get the picture. Motivation functions similarly. The trick is to flow with it and get ahead of those moments when you might not feel like going for that run.
As the famous podcaster, author and ultra runner, Rich Roll says, “Mood follows action”. Not the other way around. Pause and think about this for a moment - it’s quite profound actually. Since I first came across this mantra years ago, It’s been something that I will repeat to myself when I’m lacking the motivation to go run. I often remind myself that I’m yet to go out for a run and come back and think “I feel worse now than I did before that run”.
So what practical steps can you take to get ahead of that inevitable dip in motivation? Here are 8 things that you can do right now to help you on those days when you wake up and you’re just not quite feeling it:
Don’t self-sabotage by messing around on your phone/tablet or watch Netflix until late at night. Mentally and physically you will benefit more from getting to bed at a reasonable hour and getting a good nights sleep
Place your alarm clock somewhere in your bedroom where you are forced to get out of bed in order to turn it off
Try keeping your phone out of your bedroom at night and use an alarm clock instead
In winter, sleep in some of your running kit. Most people don’t like to put on a cold top half in the morning, so sleep in it. When you wake up, your body heat remains trapped in the shirt #win
Running with a group or a friend to hold you accountable can help too. Nothing like a little bit of peer pressure to get you going.
Entering a race can be helpful too. You don’t want to arrive on the start line undertrained and in for a world of discomfort. Sure you can do this, but I’d argue again it’s another form of self-sabotage and it’s unlikely you’re going to have fun.
Lower the bar. Instead of trying to motivate yourself to go for an hour run - commit to 10min. If after 10min of running you’re not feeling it - turn around and go home. At least you have given yourself a chance.
Arguably most importantly, ensure that most of your running is truly easy (meaning conversational pace). Few things are worse than dreading your morning run because you know it's going to hurt or feel horrible you’re not enjoying your running, it’s likely that you’re running too hard.
This is by no means an exhaustive list, but maybe it helps you in some small way if you are struggling with motivation to get out the door. If you are reading this and have additional ways to motivate yourself, please share them in the comments - I’d love to read them.